How to railstand

How to railstand

What is a railstand?
Railstand is one of the most popular tricks in skateboarding. It's where the skater pops an ollie and stop at the rail with the nose of the board.

How to railstand
  1. Practice your ollies so that you can do at least 2 feet high in the air. Check here to learn how to ollie higher.
  2. Make sure that you are used to noseslide too as it is the best way to practice and get ready for a railstand. Go towards an edge and ollie with the nose of the board forward. Land with the nose and land when you feel that the board is falling.
  3. Next, try to approach a rail and ollie just before reaching the rail. Lean your body inwards as the nose of the board go towards the rail. 
  4. Once the nose of the board get hold with the rail, shift your weight backwards to counteract the forward inertia and do a railstand.