How to skateboard for beginners

How to skateboard for beginners

This site is created to help all who are interested in learning skateboard around the world that had the same problem with me when I first started. Are you frustrated when you see other skaters just land the trick so easily and you feel like it's impossible for you? At least, this is what I felt and I don't like it!

To start, just want to share some info about skateboarding first. Skateboarding is one of the sport where parents are not keen on their children to participate. However, it's good for individuals to be involved in this as it builds confidence through doing all the tricks(it takes a lot of guts to do it!). It also increases coordination and timing which is important in sport.

Anyway, don't want to go long into it. Just want to share some facts to encourage those who want to learn how to skateboard for beginners!
  • The skateboard was invented on the year 1967!!
  • "Today a pro can make anywhere from $1000 to $10,000 a month," says Danielle Bostick of World Cup Skateboarding and the X Games.
  • One of the most famous skateboarding tricks, the 900, was first successfully completed by famous skater Tony Hawk.
  • Out of all of the sports played around the world today, skateboarding has been ranked number 6, in terms of number of participants and popularity.
"I consider skateboarding an art form, a lifestyle and a sport"-Tony Hawk

Hope this is is a good motivation for those who want to learn how to skateboard for beginners! Cheers.